I love designing & solving problem through code

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  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, React Router, Redux Toolkit, React Query, Tailwind, Sass, Styled Components, Framer Motion, CSS Modules, Bootstrap, jQuery, MUI, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack


  • Node.js, Express.js, RESTful API, GraphQL, PHP, Bash, Python, EJS, Nunjucks


  • MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose

Other Tools/Technologies

  • Supabase, Figma, Git, WordPress, Linux


Crypto Token Price Checker (Web 3)

  • Build a responsive web app UI frontend using React to fetch crypto tokens real-time price (USD) using Binance web socket, animate it using Framer Motion animation library, and deploy it on Netlify.com.
  • Implemented functionality to allow users to select different tokens (or use the search bar), enter the amount of money they want to invest, and dynamically see how many tokens they will receive after investment.
  • Live Demo | Source

Custom To-Do Lists Creation App

  • Implemented functionality to allow users to create, view and delete to-do lists and list items.
  • Deployed this Node/Express web app on Render.com. Hosted database on the cloud using MongoDB Atlas. Designed & coded the front end using HTML, CSS, JavaScript & EJS (JS templating language), and the backend database logic using the Mongoose library.
  • Live Demo | Source

AJAX CRUD Application With JavaScript & PHP Validation

  • Build the project using Apache, MySQL, & PHP stack for capturing data (name, email, & address) by performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) using jQuery AJAX calls.
  • Implemented JavaScript & PHP data validation; & prevented SQL & HTML injection by sanitizing the data using the filter_var() function, then preparing the SQL statements before executing in PDO object.
  • Source

Own Custom Crypto Token (Web 3)

  • Build a responsive web app UI frontend using React to fetch crypto tokens real-time price (USD) using Binance web socket, animate it using Framer Motion animation library, and deploy it on Netlify.com.
  • Implemented functionality to allow users to select different tokens (or use the search bar), enter the amount of money they want to invest, and dynamically see how many tokens they will receive after investment.
  • Source